News — real estate investments

  • Land Investment Means Investing in Your Children’s Future

    Land Investment Means Investing in Your Children’s Future

    Family financials is always an imperative topic of discussion when having children. Aside from the basic necessities, there are other factors involved that make raising children extremely expensive. Cost of living, which includes, housing, transportation, food, clothing and basic necessities, can lead into thousands of dollars each year for a small sized family. For many people, purchasing a homestead is the stepping stone to an expanding family, having a family home is great for making memo...

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  • Improving Your Land to Optimize ROI

    Improving Your Land to Optimize ROI

    You have already taken the first step to making a sound investment, there are a couple of effective and simple things that can to add value to your investment, generating a higher Return on Investment (ROI). Making your land more “improved”, can attract more buyers. Water Source Not only will a live water source improve the aesthetics to your property, but it also has considerable functions. A water source such as a pond or lake, can be used for irrigation and watering livestock. It will also...

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  • Why You Should be Investing in Land Over Gold in Today’s Economy

    Why You Should be Investing in Land Over Gold in Today’s Economy

    There are many different schools of thought regarding the purchase of gold as a secure investment. An old-school thought is that gold is a good hedge against the inevitable inflation and weakening dollar. While for many years people have included gold in their investment portfolio, and probably will be in years to come, some new age economists are arguing that there is no role in a modern investment portfolio. Gold is amongst one of the highest commodity investments causing prices to be const...

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